OptiMate 6 SELECT (14.4V or 14.7V) 9-step 5Amp battery charger for 12V starter and deep cycle batteries with 13.6V 4A powersupply temp° compensation

SKU: UH003-AC5

OptiMate 6 Select the performance charger that will get the full potential out of your 12V spiral cell / sealed starter or deep cycle high performance batteries - The performance ?5 Amp' charger for any temperature!

Select 14.4V or 14.7V to match the specified charge voltage for your 12V battery then connect to battery and the charger does the rest.

Automatically charge test and maintain any size 12V AGM GEL EFB or STD starter or deep cycle battery in any temperature - Voltage adjusted higher when colder lower when hotter!

Ampmatic charge control adjusts current to match battery size - Small battery gets less large battery gets more!

Saves 'dead flat' sulphated batteries from as low as 0.5V - The most advanced recovery program!

3-Year Warranty

Model: TM-191